Undergo BPI Training for certification

Many states are now considering making BPI (Building Performance Index) figures mandatory for both commercial and residential buildings. BPI Training assists professionals to understand and analyze heating system load and sizing, design, duct system diagnostics, and proper maintenance and efficiency analysis.

Trainees become adept at handling loopholes that are identified when it comes to the energy audits performed by BPI specialists. Better buildings leads to better communities, better communities lead to smarter energy practices and in turn, these practices lead us to a better future that is sustainable.

BPI training is comprehensive in terms of a balanced approach towards energy and building performance as the training includes modules that are theory based as well as aspects of fieldwork where trainees get hands on experience of real building situations. So if you want to make a difference to the world you live by ensuring energy efficiency whether individually or as an organization BPI training is close home. Whether you are an engineer, an architect, a sustainability officer, a contractor, a home inspector or an energy manager, you are aware how much these sustainable practices affect a building. BPI Certification is now achievable through training and guidance programs directed at BPI Certification aspirants, which expose you to both theoretical and practical aspects of BPI.

Getting a BPI Certification ensures you enhance the energy efficiency of buildings you build and also do your bit to secure the future of the planet by fixing bad and defunct energy systems in any building you come in touch with.